Sunday, December 8, 2013

Disney is for Everyone!

When we hear the word "Disney," we primarily think about the animated, visually entertaining films that are at the forefront of Disney's economic empire. I find most of their films attractive and entertaining, simply because I'm a child at heart. However, in Janet Watsko's article, Challenging Disney Myths, Watsko makes great points as to why Disney is a great source of entertainment not only for children, but for everyone.
Disney owns "Touchstone, Holleywood, and Miramax films and ABC, ESPN, and other cable channels..." (250) Through this, Disney exponentially expands its fanbase to more than just children and child-like adults such as myself, they provide entertainment to all age groups of American life.
This essentially makes the phrase, "Disney is for kids," absolutely false. Although they don't directly label their ownerships with Disney's name to avoid the "monopoly" feeling, they are certainly running them by a different name.

Watsko, Janet. "Challenging Disney Myths." Journal of Communication Inquiry. Sage Publications. 2001. Web.

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